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Saturday, August 8, 2009
Choosing a Doctor for Bariatric Surgery - What Questions Should You Ask?
There are two primary types of bariatric surgery plus the newer gastric banding surgery.
Bileopancreatic diversion bypass & Roux-en-Y-gastric bypass
In both bariatric bypass surgeries, a small pouch is created by stapling a portion of the stomach. The small intestine is then attached to the stomach so that food bypasses the upper part of the small intestine (the duodenum). This results in significantly reduced food intake and the patient also feels full sooner. With both of these techniques, the patient loses most weight in the first year, and weight loss is usually complete by the end of the second year. Both procedures are permanent and cannot be reversed.
Gastric banding involves placement of a silicone band around the upper stomach to restrict food intake. This slows the passage of food to the lower stomach, resulting in the patient feeling full sooner. This band can be inflated or deflated to reduce or increase the size of the passage between the two stomachs. This surgery is done laparoscopically and has the least recovery time. In some cases, this surgery can be done on an outpatient basis.
While the two bypass surgeries may limit the foods the patient can tolerate, the banding procedure only limits quantity. Over time, patients who undergo gastric banding may be more likely to regain the weight lost.
Read our Bariatric Surgery Glossary for additional information.
Q2. If you prefer one bariatric procedure over the others, could you explain why? What are the factors you use in deciding which to perform?
The Roux-en-Y procedure is the most commonly performed bariatric procedure and produces good weight loss, usually up to 50 to 60 percent of excess weight in the first two years. It is less invasive than the bileopancreatic diversion surgery, can be done laparoscopically in some cases, and recovery time is usually quicker. It has a lower risk of complications and nutritional deficiencies.
Laparoscopic banding (also known as lap band) is the least invasive but requires a great deal of patient compliance to achieve maximum weight loss. Gastric banding also requires frequent doctor follow-up at to adjust the band. It is reversible when weight loss is complete.
Q3. Are there any things that might disqualify me for the surgery?
• Active substance abuse
Active substance abuse is an immediate disqualifier. You must not be actively using any addictive substances, other than physician-prescribed medications, at the time of surgery. You must also be able to abstain from alcohol for a period of time before and after surgery.
• Untreated mental illnesses
Personality disorders such as schizophrenia or depression, are also a cause for disqualification. You must be able to show that you understand the nature of the surgery and the lifestyle changes required, and that you are willing to comply.
• Life threatening disease
If you have a life-threatening disease, such as cancer, that is not likely to improve with weight loss, you may not qualify for bariatric surgery.
• Non-compliance with other medical treatments
A failure to address diabetes or other treatable conditions will also disqualify you.
Q4. What types of ongoing support do you provide for your patients? Do you have support groups at your clinic or do you refer patients somewhere specific?
As with other weight-loss programs, bariatric surgery requires significant lifestyle changes. A support group is important both before and after the surgery. There are support groups in the community, often offered by hospitals or clinics.
Following surgery, the support group will provide you with tips as you learn new behaviors. It will also give you a place to find support for the physical and emotional changes you are going through from others who have also had the surgery.
It is important to remember that you will need a local lap band post-operative care center for your adjustments. If you decide on medical travel instead of a local surgeon, be sure to discuss this post-operative care need with your doctor.
Q5. How long have you been performing bariatric surgery and how many of that specific type of surgery that you are recommending has the doctor performed?
Bariatric surgery is medical specialty that requires training and ongoing continuing education. Look for a doctor who has done many surgeries and don’t be afraid to ask his success rate, including his complication and mortality rates.
Ask your doctor if he has done a residency or fellowship in weight-loss surgery.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Colon Cleansing Diet Before Colonoscopy
In order to prepare for this procedure, it's necessary that you follow a diet that will aid in cleaning out your bowels. The foods, beverages and medications we ingest can affect the way the colon looks, altering the accuracy of a colonoscopy. A colon cleansing diet can help you be best prepared for this procedure.
Homemade Colon Cleansing Diet
A homemade colon cleansing diet can help you completely eliminate the contents of your colon. Foods rich in fiber and lots of pure water are the primary staples you'll need to focus on. High fiber foods and lots of water will help you easily eliminate the contents of your colon.
* Drink filtered or purified water. Use a filtration system that can be attached to your sink or a filtration pitcher to purify your water. Alternatively, you can purchase bottled purified water, although this may be more costly.
* Eat a variety of vegetables. Organic vegetables are preferred because non-organic foods could contain toxins from pesticides. Most vegetables contain fiber, but dark, leafy green vegetables are those with the highest fiber content. Try broccoli, lettuce and squash.
* Choose high fiber fruits. Again, choosing organic is the preferred option. Apples, oranges and berries are particularly high in fiber.
* Try a juice cleanse. If you choose, you can modify this colon cleansing diet by substituting whole, fresh fruit juices in place of fruits.
A homemade colon cleansing diet can be followed for about three days. Your regular diet should be incorporated gradually, to avoid shocking your system and causing gastrointestinal upset.
Following a colon cleansing diet before a colonoscopy benefits you by allowing your provider to achieve the most accurate results from the procedure. In addition, you'll experience many pleasing side effects from following a colon cleansing diet. Your skin will look clear and healthy and you'll find yourself with more energy. You'll be free of constipation, aches and pains and you may even experience weight loss.
Many individuals who have tried a colon cleansing diet to prepare for a colonoscopy have enjoyed the benefits so much so that they incorporate the principles of a colon cleansing diet into their daily lives or undertake a colon cleanse periodically to achieve the many benefits that can be obtained.
A colon cleansing diet before colonoscopy is an effective way to prepare for the procedure. Many individuals prefer a colon cleansing diet to other preparations, such as an enema. While it's a matter of personal choice, it's worth your time to try a colon cleansing diet for yourself. Author Resource:- At Megavista Health, we focus on positive, holistic health and nutrition. Learn about the many benefits you can experience from a colon cleansing diet by visiting
Berhenti Makan Setelah Jam 7. Benarkah?
Ada pendapat yang mengatakan kalau malam hari aktifitas tubuh sudah berkurang dan mendekati jam tidur, maka sebaiknya berhenti makan. Pendapat ini tidak sepenuhnya bisa diikuti. Mengapa? Karena
- Justru kebanyakan orang, terutama yang hidup di perkotaan berolahraga selepas jam kerja. Berarti aktivitas tubuh menjelang malam semakin tinggi.
- Meskipun jumlah kalori yang terbakar saat tidur lebih rendah....yang lebih menjadi concern adalah sumber energi yang terbakar saat beristirahat. Apakah lemak atau gula?
- Jenis makanan tertentu bisa dikonsumsi, bahkan dalam jumlah yang mencukupi, di antaranya: sayur-sayuran, salad, protein putih (ikan, ayam, putih telur, tempe, tahu, kacang kedelai) dalam penyajian rendah kalori (tanpa penambahan minyak, santan, mentega, margarin, aneka tepung, gula pasir).
Pendapat berhenti makan setelah jam 7 biasanya dilakukan oleh mereka yang tidak berolahraga secara teratur, sehingga alih-alih mencoba membakar kalori lebih banyak mereka memilih menghemat kalori yang masuk. Cara seperti ini biasanya malah tidak sehat, membuat kita semakin mudah gemuk, dan semakin lemas.
20 Steps To Maximize The Productivity
1. RESTFUL. Agar produktivitas kerja bisa optimal maka kondisi tubuh harus senantiasa fit / fresh. Untuk mendapatkan kondisi ini, istirahat haruslah cukup. Tubuh manusia sama ibaratnya dengan mesin, yang perlu segera diistirahatkan setelah digunakan untuk jangka waktu tertentu.
2. REVIEW. Apapun yang telah dilaksanakan, senantiasa diadakan review untuk mengetahui APAKAH sudah terlaksana sesuai dengan perencanaan atau APAKAH keluar dari jalur / rambu – rambu yang telah ditentukan. Disamping itu, juga untuk mengetahui tingkat progressive dari keberhasilan. 3. EXERCISE. Melalui latihan – latihan yang berkesinambungan, selain akan bisa meminimalkan kegagalan tetapi juga menemukan kiat – kiat yang ter – efektif untuk mendapatkan yang terbaik.
4. BREAKFAST. Agar produktivitas optimal, dibutuhkan energy yang constant. Untuk itu, breakfast harus dijadikan suatu kebiasaan sebelum mengawali suatu pekerjaan.
5. LEARNING. Proses pembelajaran adalah proses yang tanpa batasan usia, jabatan atau status sosial. Tanpa adanya kemauan untuk mau meningkatkan potensi diri melalui proses pembelajaran ini maka seseorang akan lemah daya saingnya, yang mana dampak akhirnya adalah menurunnya produktivitas.
6. PRIORITIZED. Agar hasil lebih optimal dan menghindari stress yang tidak seyogianya timbul maka buatlah skala prioritas yang jelas sebelum mengawali apapun yang akan dikerjakan.
7. SCHEDULE. �Buatlah jadwal harian, mingguan, bulanan yang jelas dan laksanakan serta evaluasi hasilnya.
8. DO THE MOST UNPLEASANT. Agar senantiasa semangat menyelesaikan pekerjaan sampai tuntas, maka awalilah penyelesaian pekerjaan yang tidak disukai pada rangking pertama dan setelah itu baru yang disukai.
9. WORK SMART. �Selalulah bekerja secara cerdik, yang senang team work dan saling membagi tugas yang disesuaikan dengan kompetensi masing – masing. Ingat, yang dibutuhkan bukanlah SUPERMAN tetapi adalah SUPER TEAM.
10. MESSAGES. Pesan – pesan yang disampaikan, haruslah jelas dan dimengerti oleh semua pihak. Jangan menyampaikan� pesan yang biasnya besar dan tidak akurat pada sasaran yang ingin dicapai.
11. NO ALCOHOL. Agar setiap keputusan senantiasa efektif dan bijaksana hasilnya maka satu – satunya minuman (* Alkohol) yang mana bisa menghilangkan kesadaran, haruslah sesegera mungkin disingkirkan.
12. DILIGENT. Dengan rajin mengerjakan tugas dan tanggungjawab maka hasil yang dicapai akan lebih optiomal.
13. FOCUSED. Apapun yang ingin dicapai, harus dikerjakan se – fokus mungkin, yang mana dampak langsungnya selain akan meminimalkan persentase kegagalan tetapi juga akan meningkatkan persentase keberhasilan.
14. PURE WATER. Agar kinerja senantiasa optimal maka kesehatan harus senantiasa dijaga dan dirawat dengan selalu rutin meminum air murni.
15. PRIORITIZED LIST. Dafar prioritas kerja harus senantiasa dibuat agar kelelahan dan kejenuhan kerja bisa diminimalis.
16. SMILE. Tidak kalah pentingnya, apapun yang sedang dan telah dikerjakan selalu tersenyum.
17. ENJOY. Nikmatilah pekerjaan itu bagaikan menjalani rekreasi maka selain beban akan menjadi berkurang, hasil yang dicapai juga akan optimal.
18. RELAX. Pada waktu kerja, kerjalah se – serius mungkin� tetapi pada waktu santai, santailah se – relax mungkin maka semua beban akan sirna dari pundak kita.
19. QUALITY SLEEP. Tidur yang cukup, selain akan menjaga stamina tubuh tetapi juga akan meningkatkan semangat kerja.
20. BE THANKFUL. Terakhir selalulah berterima kasih dan bersyukur karena diantara sekian manusia yang mencari pekerjaan, kita adalah salah satu orang paling beruntung karena telah mendapatkan pekerjaan. Three Rules of Work : Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. ALBERT EINSTEIN.
* Untuk konsultasi gratis, silakan email ke : atau 0812 600 2482