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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Squats Are Good, Old School Makes You Great by: Gregory Meyers
The first really good source of strength development for us came from two areas, track and field and olympic style lifters. The only problem with olympic style lifting was very few coaches could actually teach it and most school administrators were scared to death of liability so throwing weights around and overhead was a real sell. None the less, high school programs progressed through the Nautilus phase and any number of other isolation machines and into the free weight programs that became very popular across the country. Teaching proper technique became a high priority because athletes who got injured in the weight room were not the end product we wanted. Boyd Epley at Nebraska began an association of strength coaches called the National Strength and Conditioning Association, I believe in the beginning, and it became a prime source, and still is today, for coaches to learn and eventually even get certified. Now we have all types of certification available which also created another problem for high school programs because now, if you weren't certified, administrators might not let you work in the weight room, but that's another story for another day.
I progressed also with the times and attended as many clinics and talked to as many strength coaches as I could to make sure I knew the best techniques and programs for my athletes. I struggled with the squat and the dead lifts for my athletes as it seemed that is where we had the most technique problems and sometimes, injuries. We eventually went to dead lifts off of small platforms to prevent the stress at the bottom of the lift bringing heavy weight off the floor. The curvature of the spine was always a problem, forcing athletes to not round their backs. And, with the squats, we always fought technique, keep the back flat, don't let the chest sink. I think one of the best coaches for techniques back in those days was Dr. Greg Sheperd of Bigger, Faster, Stronger fame and who is still going strong today. But it always seemed to me that when my athletes failed in the squat, it was not because of leg strength but because of lower back and core strength. "Core strength", now that became the new catch phrase about ten years ago. Coaches began preaching, good core strength meant solid overall strength and the trunk would be as strong as the branches.With good core strength, more leg development could be achieved. That made perfect sense to me because of my own observations in my weight room of how our athletes failed. So, I began to focus on core development and any guru I could find to help me. We eventually developed a good program and our athletes made significant gains based on extra amounts of core strength exercises which did indeed carry over into their squats. The only draw back was the time element. With high school athletes, the vast majority of them want to get stronger and better but as easy as they can while only about 20% of your athletes want to spend the time it takes to make those major gains.
A problem, yes, but one we can usually work out. So, I seemed pretty set in my ways and we continued to do the extras. Then the holy grail came my way. I kept watching those world's strongest man competitions and had the opportunity to meet, on a few occasions, Bill Kazmeier. If you don't remember, Bill was the first guy in modern times (with great respect to those old world strong men like Paul Anderson who didn't get the exposure todays strong men get but were every bit as sensational) to do super human feats. Watching him lift and pull was outstanding. And when he talked about training he often times referred to the old methods. Now he still did squats and bench from what I observed, but the odd object lifting he did was great. I became a fan of old school training. Old school just means using odd objects such as tires, sandbags, stones, ropes and logs. All those items that in the old days, were the majority of tools available to strong men, not to mention the thousands of high school boys who grew up on farms. I remember spending many a summer getting ready for high school football and pitching watermelons, bales of hay, sacks of potatoes and running, jumping and climbing all over the barn and yard. Talk about strength development. Body weight lifting is still one of the best methods available to athletes to gain strength and something we can cover in another story.
But as I got more and more interested in it, I began to implement it into our work outs, at first as a diversion but later, as part of our daily routines. And that made all the difference in the world. I have always joined my athletes in whatever programs I design for them. I think the best way to relate to someone is to do the same things they are doing. Now, I ain't no spring chicken any more, but once I started this training, I could feel the difference. Talk about those fancy concepts like rear chain development and cross training and cardio, man, you get it. With my athletes flipping tires and squatting and lifting sandbags from the ground and stones and logs, oh my goodness! The back development alone is worth the effort. We now spend more time in old school methods than we do in the weight room. Using old school, the entire body gets bombed. When you're training the entire body with so many lifts and in so many different planes, it blast the body. Your athletes become so much stronger in every position that injuries are lessened and their athleticism grows as well as their durability. I like that durability because no matter how good your athlete is, he can't help you if he's on the bench injuried. I think this training helps tremendously with that problem.
The other thing about old school training is the time element, and I have already mentioned that with high school athletes time commitment can be a problem. With this training, you can get a lot more accomplished in less time and it can be a lot more fun. We always make a competition out of something, a tire flip relay race, a stone carry, a timed hold, whatever. It works. You'll utilize standard techniques also such as zercher carries, farmers carry, sled pulls, shouldering, "get ups", rope pulls and more. We have developed many techniques and programs to assist anyone who is interested. You can check out much more of our program by visiting us at There you'll find programs and implements and techniques to your heart's content. Many of the tools we use you can get for free such as tires and logs. And, if you happen to be at a school where money is tight, much of this program can be achieved with those free items and a little ingenuity on your part. Contact us and let us help you develop the athletes you need or just develop yourself. This training is also tremendous for first responders, such as police, fire and emergency personnel. If you guys fail, people get hurt or die. This training will enable you to be the best you can be (with apologies to the Army).
Visit us on the web at and see how we can help. We also have some very first class affiliates on our site. Whatever you need, we'll get it for you. Thanks for listening.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Stop Ringing Ears - 3 Ways You Can Get Rid Of It Quick by: Sally Saunder
1: Natural Healing - This is truly the best, where you can stop ringing ears successfully without causing side effects. By using natural healing, you are setting your self up to be cured with as little adverse effect as possible. Natural healing is the best route for most people as it cures the problem without disrupting the natural balance of things with chemicals and other harsh medicines.
2: Standard Medical - Your typical treatment of tinnitus is with chemicals and drugs that you get from the doctor. This acts faster to cure the problem than the natural ways, but it is harsher on the body and you risk some pretty bad side effects.
3: Natural and Pharmaceutical treatment- It is possible to treat your tinnitus with both natural and pharmaceutical remedies, but it is important to voice your desires to the doctor so your wishes can be carried out. This is the best of both worlds really because you are getting the fast relief from the drugs, but you are taking it easier on your body with the additional natural remedies.
These three options are the best for getting rid of your tinnitus in a fast and effective manner. For best results, seek diagnosis from your doctor as soon as the symptoms appear. It is always good to get confirmation from a doctor, even if you are sure you know what the problem is.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wholesale Medical Products: Saving Lives a Penny at a Time by: Marc Joseph
Assess your needs for wholesale medical products
Before you go out and buy the cheapest medical supplies you find, you should take time to assess your needs. When purchasing products to be used at home, you will need a basic medical kit for common illnesses, minor injuries, and common emergencies. Offices may require a larger set of similar medical supplies depending on the number of employees, while certain work environments may need specialized supplies for injuries. Clinics and hospitals have specialized needs for the latest wholesale medical supplies, ranging from the most basic to the most complex types of medical items.
A basic first-aid kit should include a thermometer for taking temperatures, a dropper for measuring and administering liquid medicines, tweezers for removing splinters or ticks, rubbing alcohol to cleanse wounds, and bandages to stop bleeding and protect cuts. Some common medicines to keep on hand include antihistamines for allergic reactions and pain killers. Aspirin is also useful in case of heart attacks. Other helpful items include calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream, petroleum jelly, antibacterial cream, scissors, adhesive tape, cotton-tipped swabs (Q-tips), liquid soap, a hot-water bottle, an ice pack, and cotton gauze. Ask your doctor for more ideas. If a member of your household, school, workplace, or community has a specific allergy, you may also want to keep an auto-injector of epinephrine in case of anaphylactic shock.
Finding wholesale medical products
Wholesale medical products are not only for big buyers, such as hospitals. Online wholesalers from around the world provide a selection of discount medical supplies to everyone, from individuals to schools to businesses both large and small.
Finding wholesale medical supply shops is actually quite easy with the help of the Internet. The Internet has helped retailers and wholesalers, including medical supply dealers, tap the global market. With a few clicks, you can locate an online wholesale medical supply shop, place your order, pay your bill safely and securely, and have discount medical supplies shipped right to your door. Aside from purchasing products directly online, you can also use the Internet to search for local wholesale dealers that you can visit.
Since most medical supplies are consumable or disposable after one use, look for discount medical supplies at cheap prices. If you need a large quantity, buy medical supplies in bulk from wholesale medical supply shops and vendors.
Wholesale shops have packages of products that are ready for convenient bulk purchases. Just remember that some medical supplies do expire, so it is essential to keep that in mind when calculating your savings.
When purchasing discount medical supplies, it is especially important to only to deal with reliable, trustworthy, and legitimate vendors. Only select high quality medical equipment, because saving money is important, but saving lives is even better.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
5 Ways To Recover From A Tough Workout! by: Steve Hochman
All five of these not only speed recovery, they also increase your muscle growth and strength. Its time to get excited about pill popping, sleeping late, and cold showers!
Trick #1: The Right Supplements
Cayenne: This magic little pill will speed up healing and reduces inflammation by up to 50%. You can take it continually or only post workout. It doesn't need to be cycled off to improve its efficacy. Other pluses include increased blood flow, decrease susceptibility to colds and viruses, and warmer muscle pre-workout.
Fish oil & Flax Oil: These both speed up muscle healing, give muscles the good kind of fat to fuel the workout and reduce inflammation. This means that you can fight soreness both during your work out and after your workout. You could eat the real thing, but you would have to eat a lot of it to get the same benefits as popping a few pills every day.
Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium & Zinc: These all reduce soreness and muscle fatigue both during and after your workout. You can take them in pill form or in a drink form. Or you could eat a lot of potatoes and bananas and a few lozenges. Taken regularly they help keep the muscles, heart, and blood vessels in good condition.
Vitamin C, B, & a Multi: These all increase your energy levels, help fight fatigue, help build stronger muscles, and strengthen your immune system and cardio vascular system. Taken daily they will reduce recovery time and increase your energy and healing.
Trick #2: Don't Work Out to Failure
While it might be a good idea to do this once in a while, say once or twice per month, routinely hitting your wall will slow down your efforts. When done regularly, this will deplete your protein and carbohydrate reserves. You will also damage your body's ability to use your strongest muscle fibers. Cut your work out reps just one set short of hitting your wall and sometimes don't even go that far. Give your muscles a break and they will reward you!
Trick #3: The Post Workout Shake
Every workout you should drink up a mix of nutritionally dense, high glycemic carbs and protein. Doing so immediate post workout will stop the damage from the work out and induce your muscles to instantly begin repairing themselves. You will induce bigger gains and higher energy levels with less fatigue. Look for something fruit based with a one protein to two-carb ratio. Aim for something whey based and add fruits such as berries or high antioxidant berry powder. Always add Bananas and a little ground flax seed couldn't hurt either.
Trick #4: Your Post Workout Shower
Shower immediately after you chug that shake down. Start out with icy cold water to reduce the post work out inflammation. Then immediately turn the water as hot as you can go for a few minutes to increase circulation. Alternate this a few times. The contrasting temperatures will induce blood flow and increase recovery time.
Trick #5: Sleep!
During sleep, your body performs a complete overhaul of all its systems. It checks for injuries it goes to work healing itself and it does something called muscle memory. This is where it inputs into your brain what you did during the day and if you used more muscles in a particular area your brain sends out a signal to increase muscle and nerve building and recovery in that area.
Your body also releases growth hormone during this time. This coupled with the muscle memory will induce bigger muscle growth and repair. Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep at least eight to ten hours. Also, take in a nap or two whenever possible during the day.
By all means, don't limit yourself to just these five tricks to increase healing, there are more out there. These are some of the best. Tried and true tested.
As an Orange County Boot Camp Instructor, I always remind my classes to drink at least two liters of water on your work out days and at least one liter on your off days. This will flush your muscles and keep your body well hydrated and clean. And that is good for keeping you form fatiguing quickly and for helping speed recovery time. So when it comes to purified water, drink up and follow a sensible eating plan to keep your body well nourished and hydrated!
Copyright (c) 2009 Steve Hochman
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Rise and Fall of Comics in the Modern Era by: Vince P. Platania, Jr.
I’m of course referring to the 1990s when all was right within the comic book world. This is the time I was really into comics and got to see firsthand the rise and the fall of the comic book industry as it was.
In the ‘90s, comics took a turn for the better, or so we thought. Books were beginning to get wide recognition thanks in no small part to comic book artists like Image Comics founders Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Rob Liefeld and others. Comic properties were beginning to pop up in cartoons and movies like hadn't been seen before, and the collectible value of comics became a widely known phenomenon. The aforementioned comic book artists were working for Marvel Comics at the time, and were launching new or revitalized properties that were getting fans newly excited about comics again. X-Men relaunched and X-Force was born. Spider-Man exploded with a new title, and fans were eating it all up.
Also, thanks to the dynamic styles of these comic book artists, prints and exclusive covers and the like seemed like the perfect advertising and money-making ploy to comic publishing companies at the time, and the general public somehow got wind of this. So the average person on the street was buying up all the copies of all these special covers and special stories (Death of Superman, anyone?) that caused the publishers to keep printing. Before you knew it, everyone had multiple copies of everything, and nothing was worth anything. Sales went down, creators left the big two, and the speculator market nearly broke the comic industry.
Marvel Comics went into bankruptcy, many fans (such as myself) left comics behind for years, and the movies and cartoons all but disappeared.
A few years later, Marvel restructured, climbed out of bankruptcy, and began making waves again. Spider-Man and the X-Men hit the big screen, and all of a sudden comics were on the map again. Not to mention the efforts of the short-lived Crossgen Comics, which brought a lot of people (again, myself included) back into comics. And with the success of these new ventures, comics began a steady climb back up to a place of mediocrity.
Now, comics are still struggling, but with the success of films and current big storylines it’s possible a rise could occur again. Providing publishers and speculators don't make the same mistakes twice, comics could be alright for sometime to come.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Looking For Good And Reliable UK Dentists? by: Thomas Sebastein
As there are so many UK dentists, eDentics recognizes the difficulty in finding good and reliable UK dentists, UK orthodontists and UK cosmetic dentists who are experts in their fields. This is why we aim to maintain the most comprehensive UK dentist directory to provide you with UK dentist reviews from REAL patients. You should never trust testimonials on dentist websites!
There may be fifty dentists in your local area all offering similar services and price, so which one should you select? Visit and search for UK dentist reviews and ratings, and perhaps search for other dentists in nearby areas as well.
eDentic’s UK Dentist Directory contains all kinds of dentists including UK dentists, UK orthodontists, UK cosmetic dentists, NHS dentists, Harley Street dentists and emergency dentists, offering treatments such as general hygienist, bridges, dentures, dental implants, mini-implants, orthodontics (both braces and Invisalign), pedodontics, porcelain crowns and veneers, restoration implants, root canal therapy and tooth whitening.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dr Hauschka’s Prescription for Healthy Skin by: Bella B.
What if the real remedy for healthy, resilient skin could be found right in your garden? And what if helping heal your skin also helped heal the environment - and your community - in the process?
Dr. Hauschka Skin Care preparations vow to give you the best of both worlds with its plant-based healing remedies.
Praised by real women alongside medical estheticians worldwide, Dr. Hauschka Skin Care products are made from biodynamically, organically-grown plant extracts, without using alcohol or artificial preservatives. According to the company, biodynamics is “a holistic, sustainable form of agriculture that takes into account everything from the cycles of the moon and stars to the soil, plants, animals and people, with the ultimate goal of making each garden or farm a healthy self-sustaining ecosystem.” The products are certified by the German association BDIH, whose “Guidelines for Natural Cosmetics” apply stringent standards to ensure natural purity and quality.
Dr. Rudolf Hauschka and pioneering esthetician Elisabeth Sigmund founded the brand in 1967 under a holistic approach to skin care, working with nature’s rhythms to sustain harmony. The company honors that tradition today, following a holistic approach towards its products, treatment methods and business practices.
This view extends beyond requiring eco-friendly packaging, harvesting from ecologically-sound sources and supporting international fair trade initiatives (all of which the company does). It also means the company develops formulations by selecting each ingredient based on its individual effects, how it interacts with others, and its relationship with skin and overall health.
But does it work?
Anne Roche, a medical esthetician for the Carriage House Salon in Cambridge, Mass. with more than a decade of experience, believes Dr. Hauschka Skin Care is the best line on the market.
“It’s healthy for your skin, healthy for your body - and it works!”
Roche particularly appreciates the non-invasive, gentle cleansing technique encouraged in the Hauschka “press and roll” method, where the product is “pressed” into the skin rather than applied in a typical scrubbing manner.
“Think of your skin as a silk blouse. Would you scrub it really hard and throw it in hot water? Just like a fine quality fabric, if you treat it right, it will last forever.”
While Hollywood celebrities like Julia Roberts propelled Dr. Hauschka into the spotlight, women across the nation are discovering the benefits for themselves.
Robin Lapidus, director of events and marketing at the Harvard Square Business Association, swears by Dr. Hauschka ever since she was first introduced to the line about five years ago.
“I’ve tried a lot of different products and a lot of different facials,” she said. “After Dr. Haushcka, there’s no turning back.”
Lapidus contends the brand’s holistic approach speaks to everyone.
“I wear make-up every day, and I’m not really an ‘earthy’ person,” she said. “But the rhythmic concept makes a lot of sense to me - it’s a common sense product.”
Dr. Hauschka Skin Care products can be purchased online at, or at select salons and treatment centers around the world.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
The 5 Principles of Keeping Cellulite Away by: Kathleen LeRoi
Around my 32nd birthday my son innocently told me that my legs looked like jellyfish!I burst into tears. Once I regained my composure I realized enough was enough and set about ridding myself of cellulite for good. Fortunately the procedure was relatively straight forward as a friend of mine taught me the 5 principles of cellulite reduction. I would now like to share my lessons with you.
Rule #1 - Exercise
One of the simplest and most effective ways of loosing cellulite is to reduce body fat and increase your muscle mass. Thankfully this can be easily achieved with a bit of exercise. So if you haven't already, start going for vigorous walks, get that old bike out of the garage, hit the pool, or join the local gym.
Rule # 2 - Eat Healthy
Cellulites are fat cells connected under the tissue of your skin. Therefore you should limit the amount of fat in your diet by reducing the amount of processed foods you ingest while increasing the amount of natural food you consume such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.
Rule #3 - Moisturize
Cellulite is not only the dimple you see, but the dry, damaged skin that surrounds it; effectively, highlighting its appearance. Through the daily application of a natural moisturizer such as a cellulite body cream (, you can minimize this unwanted, accentuated appearance.
Rule #4 - Drink Water
Cellulite is also known to be formed by a collation of toxins under the skin's surface. Keeping well hydrated is the most effective way of assisting your body flush out such toxins. And it is no secret water is the healthiest and quickest method of hydration.
Rule #5 - Massage
A great technique for shifting these unwanted fat cell deposits is massage. So pamper yourself and have your body regularly massaged, paying extra attention to the regions with the greatest cell deposits. And don't fret, this does not need to be an expensive or elaborate procedure, simply soak yourself in a relaxing bath and have your partner gently massage you with an effective anti cellulite cream.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Swimming Your Way to a Healthy Life by: Steven Stratton
You might never be a Michael Phelps or a Usain Bolt, but why not take a page out of their workout routine. Even if you do not know how to swim well, there are still many ways to get around it and enjoy swimming as a workout. You can even listen to music. There are waterproof cases for Ipods, so you can listen to your favorite tunes while you swim. Music can certainly help you along those long laps in an Olympic-sized pool. (Lest that sound like a plug for the IPod, rest assured that there are several types of waterproof radios and MP3 players on the market as well!)
You should also acquire a variety of props, such as a "Pull buoy" -a molded piece of foam, which you squeeze between your legs as you swim. You are forced then to use only your upper body and arms for swimming, and the buoy provides added resistance in the water. Then again, there's a variety of kickboards, which enable you to rest your upper arms on this appropriately shaped piece of foam, so that only your legs propel you through the water, thus giving your legs a pretty good workout.
Ever heard of aqua jogging?
For people who are just coming out of certain surgeries, or people who are extremely overweight, walking can be an almost insurmountable chore. But the water of a pool makes people extremely buoyant, and so practically anybody can exercise their limbs in water.
In order to aqua-jog, people wear a special foam belt around their waists, which helps keep them upright in the water. Then, simply "walk" or "run" across the bottom of the pool, and continue that motion once you get into deep water (the belt helps keep you vertical). Special finned gloves are also available to help propel you along. Aqua jogging is so effective that even tri-athletes are using it as a training tool - obviously they are aqua running, instead! Special foot floats or weighted boots are used to help increase muscle strength.
If you're in to water aerobics, then there is quite a lot of gear you can pick up for that, as well.
Water gloves, wrist and ankle weights, and water aerobic shoes are a must have. Water noodles are fun to play with, too! There is a wide variety of exercise equipment and toys out there that will not only make your swimming routine a success, but enjoyable at the same time.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Quick Weight Loss Tips That Help To Lose Your Extra Pounds Quickly And Easily by: Steve Ng
Once the decision has been made to loss those extra pounds a priority, there are several tips for losing weight that one can use to make it happen. Here are just a few of the tips to begin your weight loss journey:
Exercise, you have heard that old quote "no pain, no gain". Well it isn't exactly pain that we are after with exercising. What we want is dedication, you will need to make a commitment to doing some of aerobic exercise if you want to lose weight.
The good thing is that is only takes 20 minutes a day to be effective and there are several exercises that one can do in order to meet this requirement.
Let's start with walking, very easy to get you started, and what better way to enjoy the weather than taking a nice brisk walk outside. Think about it, you walk from your car to entrance of your favorite mall, store, or supermarket. Why not try and add an additional 2000 steps to something that you are already doing on a daily basis.
Next what about chores that you do around the house, ladies if you like to dance, how about dancing as you are cleaning? You can add a little jig as you are vacuuming around the house, or even add a one two step as you are sweeping. By adding these little things you are burning off more calories.
Additional quick weight loss tips cover eating a healthy diet. The number one thing that a person can do to lose weight quickly is drink plenty of water. Water is needed for the regulation of the body, it helps to get rid of toxins and helps with the metabolism, and it acts like an internal flushing system allowing the fat to be metabolized at a faster rate.
Regain control of your diet, stop settling for prepackaged foods or fast foods. Begin by introducing fresh fruits, vegetables, organic and lean meats into your diet. This way you are reducing calories and eliminating foods that are high in fat and high in sodium. Make sure you apply this weight loss diet tips for the sake of your healthy and slim body.
Stop with the sweets, instead of having a cookie or that slice of cake for a mid afternoon snack, opt for fruits, yogurt, vegetables or nuts.
Quick weight loss tips are all about the way that you eat and getting enough exercise. These are essential if you want to get rid of the junk in the trunk in a short period of time. By following these healthy weight loss tips, you can have a body that is new and defined, just in time for the turn of the summer.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Silent Worldwide Holocaust of Chemo by: Tremayne Reiss
This article is to encourage the reader to take some serious reflection on a deadly serious issue. With Jade Goodie in the headline now is a good time to air this issue. To start with we'll talk a little about the conventional medicine and its processes.
Principles of Cancer Staging and Diagnosis.
Diagnosis and staging are vital for determining optimum management. There are a number of ways that samples are obtained. There are - tissue scrapings from body surfaces like the cervix. -Fine needle aspiration: -Needle biopsy : -Incision biopsy : -Excision biopsy to name a few.
Often the specimens are stained and viewed under a microscope. This allows the clinician to determine optimum treatment and to gain prognostic information. These processes are backed up by full clinical examination. Other investigations used are radiographs, ultrasound, isotope scans, CT, MRI, PET scans, aspirates. Naturally the clinician wants to measure the dimensions of the tumour and identify the exact location for potential surgery.
Commonly used are tumour marker assays - these are proteins associated with so called 'malignancy.' A list of some : - Oestrogen receptor and CA15-3 - breast cancer. Carcinoembryonic (CEA) in colorectal. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) - prostate. CA125 in ovarian cancer. CA19-9 in pancreatic cancer. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP). Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and lactate dehydrogenase in testicular teratoma and seminoma. Thyroglobulin in follicular carcinoma of thyroid. Calcitonin in medullary carcinoma of thyroid. S100 in melanoma and neuroendocrine tumours. VMA in phaeochromocytoma (adrenal medulla).
These markers help with diagnosis but aren't always a hundred percent full proof.
The Myth that Chemo Helps.
Chemotherapy was the brainchild of a chap who noticed that mustard gas killed rapidly dividing living cells. Chemo is a cousin of mustard gas. Billions of pounds later there has been very little improvement in survival rates since 1971. Part of the reason for the poor success is that invitro studies are totally different to invivo studies. What there has been is a massaging of statistics.
One of the few studies comparing chemo against another form of treatment tamoxifen - There was no improvement in survival rates compared to when tamoxifen was taken alone (The Lancet, 1996; 347: 1066-71). There is no evidence that it helps any of these cancers - liver , rectal, small cell cancer, colon and bladder. Why is it given, who benefits?
Have They Ever Compared Cancer Patients on Chemo to Those Not on it?
They have never done a study whereby you leave cancer patients alone and compare survival rates with those on chemo. The medical establishment would argue that to give cancer patients no treatment is unethical. This argument relies on the assumption that chemo helps. How do we know that it is the chemo which is responsible for those who survive. They admit they don't know what causes cancer so the reader must surely agree that maybe some other factors might be at play.
A study in published in Natural News 2nd Feb 2009 showed that chemo hastened the death of some people.
With the advent of the new discovery of Meta-Medicine we can shed new light on certain issues. With the understanding of the two phases of dis-ease we now know that some growths appear in the first phase (conflict active) and others in the second (conflict resolved). When it appears in the second phase the hands and feet will be warm and the appetite good. The reverse is true when the conflict is active. When it comes to growths in the healing phase the last thing you need is chemo as it knocks the patient back into conflict phase as evident by the effects on appetite. Moreover the slowing of the growth is not because of the chemo but because the healing is now interrupted and will have to be resumed at some point. While the conflict is active, like with lung alveoli tumours, chemo speeds up death as it compounds the sympathacatonia i.e. it accelerates the stress innervation.
Metastasis is a Hypothesis!
This cannot be emphasized enough. METASTASIS is an unproven HYPOTHESIS. With the understanding of this new discovery we now have a new perspective. The leading cause of secondaries is the diagnosis and prognostic implications given to patients by their doctor. In other words millions are signing their death warrants by going to their doctor who has no understanding of the connection of the psyche to the organ. There is a saying "The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
"Fear of death" conflict affects the lung. Unfortunately foci appear instantly so by the time the consultant performs a radiograph of the lung he sees a shadow. He claims the original lesion has spread. Sadly it often was the diagnosis of the 'cancer' which triggered the new conflict.
I met this chap being given chemo, he told of how the nurse spilt some on her hand and let out this blood curdling scream. The matron rushed in to calm her down. They then moved over to inject it into this chap saying that it behaves differently in the bloodstream than on the skin. You can imagine his thoughts at that point.
Oncologists Won't Touch Their Own Poison.
Another cancer patient I met found studies which showed most oncologists wouldn't touch chemo with a barge pole and certainly wouldn't give it to their families. 58 out of 72 wouldn't and she believed that the other 14 said they would to save face. One day this statement will be well known and the obvious conclusion drawn from it.
In light of what has just been said people have queried this. When oncologists were asked -
"Knowing the odds of successful outcome using chemotherapy are nil in many cancer cases, why do you continue to prescribe chemotherapy?"
The answer he got was this: "We give it to patients so they won't give up hope and fall into the hands of quacks." Who are the quacks you may ask!
It is difficult with the scientific understanding of Meta-Medicine to not be biased. Like we look back to the practices of the 1700's and are appalled, the same will be said by future generations about chemo.
In the meantime the holocaust continues in the name of the fat profits of the pharmaceutical industry. I say holocaust because there is a deliberate suppression of Dr. Hamers discovery. Warrants have been issued for his arrest in Europe and he lives in hiding outside the E.U. not wanting to go back to prison a third time. Ignorance is one thing, deliberate suppression another.
As an example of profits - Researchers from the National Cancer Institute used data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End-Results (SEER) Medicare database to examine the costs of initial cancer treatments in 306,709 breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer patients over the age of 65. Over the ten-year period studied, the average cost of breast cancer treatment increased $4,189 to $20,964. The average cost of treating prostate cancer increased $5,435 to $41,134, while the average cost of lung cancer treatment went up $7,139 to $39,891. (Gutirrez,D 2008). Who pays, us the taxpayer.
Animals have high survival rates and rarely get secondaries. Of course oncologists don't enquire about this, more often they rely on results obtained through the torture of rodents to inform their decisions. They say that formaldehyde is a carcinogen. Actually it is the conflict the animal suffers through having this substance forcibly pushed up its nose which causes the cancer to manifest, not the formaldehyde.
What to do?
One of the best things a practitioner can do is free their patients from the insidious, fear ridden consensus field of their illness which unfortunately is what the medical establishment promotes.
Our loved ones are silently slipping away in hospital wards being denied the knowledge of Meta-Medicine and the new approach this entails to their illness. In the words of Dr.Hamer 'the man who invented chemo should be given a monument in hell.'
Jade Goody is the classic example of what not to do. If got early enough sometimes surgery can help.
The same people who suppress this are the ones who maimed hundreds of thousands with agent orange in Vietnam and felt justified in using depleted uranium in Iraq. Now they give you and your family a derivative of mustard gas and tell you it will help.Their greed knows no limits, they have no scruples and absolutely love to be in control.Consent is created through the manipulation of the mass media. Wake up!
To end this article we leave you with a quote from a French Professor of oncology - Professor George Mathe - "If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Cancer patients who live far from centers have a chance."
Gutirrez, D (2008) Natural News ( Cancer Industry Raking in Profits on Chemotherapy as Treatment costs skyrocket)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Cholesterol Buzz by: David Williams
Practically every medical, government, and health organization in the country has jumped on the band wagon. And, if you’ll notice, all of this always seems to coincide with the release and the FDA’s approval of some miraculous new anticholesterol drugs. The timing is almost uncanny.
Normally, an outpouring concern of this magnitude would come on the heels of some new breath-taking research. Has medical research finally discovered that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease? Hardly. It appears instead that the breakthrough concerning cholesterol has more to do with the development of new drugs to get rid of it than it does with it being the primary cause of our number-one killer—heart disease.
Make no mistake, I’m all for stopping heart attacks, which kill more than 500,000 people in this country every year, but let’s attack the causes of the problem instead of training the public to treat symptoms. It was established years and years ago that one of the constituents of artery-clogging plaque is most definitely cholesterol. What has never been established is that cholesterol causes plaquing or clogging of the arteries. Let me say it another way. Before cholesterol, calcium and other substances in your blood attach to the walls of arteries and lead to plaque formation, something has happened to that portion of the artery wall. Damage to the wall can come from rancid oxidized fats (which also may cause blood cells to become sticky, slowing blood flow and promoting clotting), pounding or friction from blood moving through blood vessels under high pressure, loss of blood vessel elasticity from aging, hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, improperly digested nutrients traveling in the bloodstream, chemical toxins, and probably a hundred other factors.
This may sound like a contradiction to what I’ve been saying, but I am in favor of lowering cholesterol levels. Not because anyone has determined cholesterol is the cause of heart and artery problems, but because eating and lifestyle habits that increase blood cholesterol levels also have direct links to atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Saturated animal fats, fried foods, insufficient dietary fiber, certain mineral and vitamin deficiencies and low intake of unsaturated fatty acids have all been shown to impair overall cardiovascular health, regardless of the cholesterol levels.
We’re approaching the problem from the wrong direction. Trying to eliminate cholesterol only is side-stepping the real problem of improper diets and lifestyle. Abnormally high cholesterol levels are symptoms of bigger problems, and when you treat the symptoms instead of the causes, it becomes a never-ending exercise in futility.
Don’t think the drug companies are ignorant of the fact that the majority of the American public wants the easy way out when it comes to their health either. The public spends billions of dollars on antacids, headache remedies, laxatives, and appetite suppressants to treat problems directly linked to improper diet and lifestyle. It’s much easier (and more profitable) to market an after-the-fact "cure" than it is to convince everyone that they are ultimately responsible for their own health.
For more information, visit
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Acne Fact and Fiction! Do Stress, Facials and Concealer's Help to Promote or Reduce Acne Breakouts? by: Stephen M. Seabrook
Believe it or not, the answer is that occasional pimples or zits do not constitute a true case of acne. Although zits do seem to have the ability to appear almost instantaneously and at the most inopportune times like picture day, prom night, spelling bees, sporting events, dates, and special award ceremonies, they are not a true acne outbreak.
The dictionary defines acne as "an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands, characterized by comedones and pimples, especially on the face, back, chest, and, in severe cases, by cysts and nodules resulting in scarring."
The anatomical definition of sebaceous glands is: "small subcutaneous glands usually connected with hair follicles. The follicles secrete an oily semi-fluid matter, composed in great part of fat, which softens and lubricates the hair and skin."
Real acne outbreaks are actually a disease of the skin. However, the great news is that acne is treatable. Although it can be very embarrassing, cause great emotional distress, and lower your personal self-esteem for a period of time, acne is not fatal.
There are new and effective treatments being sought by researchers and great advances have been made in the treatment of acne in the last few years. Years ago, when a person had acne, they were pretty much stuck with the problem. There were very few treatments available and the medical profession didn't even consider acne a disease.
It was long thought that acne was the direct result of a diet that was too high in fat and/or sweets. That is no longer the case. Acne is most often associated with puberty and the onset of pre-teen and teenage years but it can and does develop in adults as well. When acne does finally heal, there can be permanent scars left (from picking and popping) that are unsightly and cause patients to suffer long term emotional distress and low self- esteem.
New and very effective skin resurfacing treatments have been developed over the last several years that have, if not completely removed acne scars, at least diminished their appearance and severity.
Acne Fact or Fiction:
You can hear a lot of tall tales about acne today, so let's take a look at the fact or fiction of acne. It is always better to be well armed with factual information so that you don't get fooled by the fictional facts that surround acne.
Fictional Fact #1: Acne is caused by a lack of sexual activity.
Factual Fact: Acne and sexual activity are two entirely separate issues. One has no bearing on the other. Hormones secreted during puberty and young adulthood does have a bearing on acne. They also have a bearing on sexual arousal and activity. However, acne has no bearing on sexual activity nor does sexual activity have any bearing on acne.
Fictional Fact #2: People have acne because they are dirty.
Factual Fact: Dirt has no part in acne. Dirt is dirt. Acne is acne. One has nothing to do with the other. Acne is a build up of oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Dirt isn't involved. Keeping the face clean can and will help to prevent clogged pores but dirt does not cause acne.
Fictional Fact #3: Dermatologists can cure acne.
Factual Fact: Dermatologists can TREAT acne. They can help to alleviate the symptoms and help to clear up the pimples, black-heads, and white heads. They can prescribe antibiotics and topical ointments, lotions, and creams that will help but there is no cure at this time for acne.
Fictional Fact #4: Acne is simply a skin problem.
Factual Fact: It's true that acne affects the skin but it can also affect the way a person sees himself or herself. Acne and the scarring it can leave behind may cause a sufferer to become depressed and develop low self-esteem, both of which can lead to larger and more complex life socialization problems. Acne sufferers need the loving support and reassurance from their family and friends.
Acne and Stress:
Can stress actually cause acne? There is ample evidence available to suggest that stress can most assuredly cause an acne breakout or make an existing breakout worse. Our bodies are highly developed chemical laboratories that produce all sorts of stuff.
At puberty, our body begins to produce an abundance of male hormones and this happens in both boys and girls. This overproduction of male hormones can happen at other times in life besides puberty; for example, when a girl or woman starting or stops taking birth control pills.
These male hormones cause the bodies sebaceous glands to shift into overdrive and begin producing sebum. The sebum then travels up hair follicles, clogs the pores and begins the acne development cycle. However, male hormones are not the only cause for the sebaceous glands to begin producing an overabundance of sebum. When we become extremely stressed or overly emotional, our bodies react by causing the adrenal glands to produce a substance known as Cortisol, which is released directly into the bloodstream. Then the chemical chain reaction continues as the sebaceous glands release sebum, the sebum travels up the same hair follicles, clogs the pores and acne develops.
The physical changes in the body can cause exactly the same chemical chain reaction as the emotional changes in the mind. The mind/body connection is very real. Maybe some of it really IS in your head. If that's the case, there is help available to help people deal with the acne that is caused by stress. Reducing stress will just naturally reduce sebum production by the sebaceous glands and reducing sebum production will help to alleviate an acne breakout. Therefore, when you learn to reduce and control you stress levels, this part of the chemical chain reaction is minimized.
It really it isn't any different than restoring a hormonal balance to your body that reduces sebum production. So, in the final analysis, both factors that cause excessive sebum production should be addressed. Solving one problem might help; however, solving both problems could eliminate acne altogether.
Acne Facials:
If you are part of the 95 of the population who suffer from acne, you have more than likely seen TV or print media advertisements for acne facials. Have you ever wondered if there is anything to the claims that their manufacturers make?
In general, the answer is yes! Most acne facials are very effective, pretty much worth the price, and can be used in conjunction with your usual acne fighting regime. They won't necessarily replace any part of what you are already doing; but, rather enhance the overall effects.
You can find acne facials in most health stores, at many cosmetic counters, and online. As a matter of fact, you can probably complete a better comparison of available products online than you can anywhere else.
Most of these acne facial products provide for a three-step program. The first step is a complete facial cleansing. The next step is a steam massage. The final step is a facial mask. The first two steps are designed to prepare the face. The steam massage softens the black heads and the white heads to remove toxins from your skin. The facial mask serves to remove the dead skin cells from the face and to moisturize it as well. The overall effect of the acne facial is a very relaxing, calming, and cleansing experience. It just plain feels good. Anything that helps to calm and sooth your stress can't be bad because we all know that acne is aggravated by high stress levels. Acne facial masks can be used in addition to other parts of your acne prevention and treatment regime or you may find that the facial can, in fact, actually replace some things that you are currently doing.
Acne Concealer's:
One of Newton's laws of physics laws says that, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." That law of physics spills over into a lot of our life situations. For example: A young woman gets a zit and wants to cover it up. The cosmetics industry has a multitude of products designed to do just that. Okay, that's a little far out there but you get my point.
The acne pimples, whether they are white heads or black heads should never be picked at or popped. If they are popped or picked, it can and normally does result is a scar that is much harder to get rid of than the actual pimple, black head or white head. Popping a pimple is not going to make it go away. In fact, popping a pimple is only going to make the acne worse.
Still when you get a zit, you have to go out and face the world so you are looking for ways to make your skin look clear. You want to disguise the zit and make it as unnoticeable as possible. Here is where the cosmetic industry can help. There are a multitude of products designed to make a zit less noticeable. You don't want to use a product that just adds to the problem by adding additional oil to already oily skin. So, you do need to remember, that when you use a cover product to make the zit less noticeable, you need to totally clean the product from your skin immediately when you return home.
Some of the better known as well as more effective cosmetic concealer's on the market today are:
1. Dermablend Smooth Indulgence Concealer: This product produces a smooth matte appearance and was designed specifically for covering acne blemishes as well as for covering Rosacea and dark circles under the eyes.
2. Flawless Skin by Prescriptives: This product will not aggravate acne but will supply a medium to full coverage and it contains SPF 25 for protection from the sun.
Don't let acne control you; but rather, become smart and learn how to control the negative influences in your life that create a positive situation for acne to develop!
Friday, April 3, 2009
How to Stay Young and Healthy by: Knut Holt
The aging process is for the greater part no mystery anymore. It consists for a great part of daily damages done on the macroscopic, tissue, cellular and genetic levels. These add up as the years are passing. These damages have specific causes like oxidating agents, sun beams, mechanical wear and tear, psychological stress, lack of some nutritional components and too much of others, like fat.
Another component of aging is the reduction of the telomere chains at the chromosome ends, as each cell division occurs. When these are shortended enough, cells stop dividing. However, the body has means to repair these ends again, with an enzyme called telomerase. The rapidity of the aging process depends on lack of efficiency in this repair process. The above mention aging causes also slow down this repair process.
The factors causing aging, also causes other diseases like cancer and coronary heart disease. Both aging and these diseases can in great extend be prevented with the knowledge possessed today, and the damages can in great extend be reversed. The components to achieve this are:
-Adequate dayly food containing whole cereals, peas, beans, vegetables, fruit, fish, mushroms, fouls and seafood, and with just a moderate amount of red meat.
-Just a moderate amount of fat.
-Ideally most fat one eats, should be of the type mono-unsaturated. One also needs some poly-usaturated fat of the types omega-3, and omega 6, but not too much of omega-6. The consumption of saturated fat should be very little.
-In order to achieve right fat balance, most of the fat supply should come from sources like olive, peanuts, canola, fish, nuts, sun-flower, etc. Then you will get a good balance between mono-unsaturated fat (olive, canola, peanuts), poly-unsaturated fat of the omaga-3-type (fish) and poly-unsaturated fat of the omega-6-type (sunflower).
-Just a very moderate amount of butter, soya oil, margarine, corn oil and palm oil. A high consumption of these fat sources gives you too much saturated fat and poly-unsaturated omega-6-fat.
-Just a very moderate amount of sugar, refined flour or refined cereals.
-Do not add more salt to the food than you need. Most people consume too much salt. However, some salt is needed. If the weather is warm and you are in high activity, you need more salt than by cold weather and low activity. Prefere sea-salt, beacuse of its content of valuable minerals.
-Just a moderate consumption of tranquilizers/stimulants as alchohol and coffeine, but in moderate amounts these contribute to slow down the aging process.
-No smoking or tobacco usage.
-Supplements of specific nutritional components like vitamins, minerals, lecitin and some essential fatty acids.
-Adequate training, that both gives a muscular load, work up your condition and stretches out your body. To stretch out, yoga-exercizes are ideal.
-Adequate rest and stress-reduction. Daily meditation is a method of achieving this. Natural relaxing agents or spesific tools for meditation or relaxation may also be useful.
-Supplements of specific anti-aging agents like anti-oxidants or human growth hormone.
-Use of spesific anti-aging agents to apply upon the skin surface.
-To protect the skin against excessive sun exposure.
The amount one needs of nutritional supplements, like vitamins and minerals, differs very much according to a person`s health condition, work load and exposure to environmental stress. A person having a poor digestion, doing high performance sport or being exposed to a high amount of environmental stressors, may need more than a person in an average situation.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Urinary Tract Infection ( UTI ) Symptoms by: Balaji .B
The urinary tract infection symptoms should be treated properly; else it could damage the kidneys. Plenty of medications are available in the market to cure the urinary tract infection symptoms. Proper diagnosis is vital, as these symptoms can also be caused by other problems such as infections of the vagina or vulva.
In some cases, the urinary tract infection symptoms can resemble those of sexually transmitted diseases. Only a physician can make the distinction and make a correct diagnosis. This is important, because the right medications need to be prescribed to cure UTI symptoms. A strong urge to urinate without being able to delay is one of the urinary tract infection symptoms. A sharp pain or burning sensation in the urethra when the urine is released, is one of the other UTI symptoms.
Releasing very little urine with a tinge of blood is one of the other symptoms. The urge to urinate recurring frequently is one of the other urinary tract infection symptoms. Experiencing soreness in the lower abdomen, back, or sides, the sensation of needing to pass urine but being unable to do so and nature of urine being cloudy and foul smelling are various kinds of urinary tract infection symptoms.
Some of the urinary tract infection symptoms in newborns include fever or hypothermia (low temperature), poor feeding, and jaundice, and includes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and poor feeding. Also the most common UTI symptoms are irritability, eating poorly, unexplained fever that doesn't go away, loss of bowel control, loose bowels, and a change in urination pattern.