Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Herbs to Lower Cholesterol, Cholesterol Lowering Herbs

High cholesterol can be found in any person. Still, at more risk are people who lead stressful lives but also maintain unhealthy diets. In order to lower your cholesterol level, the best thing to do is eat foods that are low in fat content (especially one kind of fat – saturated fat) but also to increase the amount of physical activity. Cholesterol lowering herbs are generally available for people who do not start taking prescription drugs to lower cholesterol immediately. This article will also give you some examples of herbs that lower cholesterol.

Cholesterol is responsible for causing fatty deposits to harden and accumulate in the arteries. These fatty deposits harden to form a substance called plaque, which blocks the artery and prevents blood from flowing and reaching organs such as the brain. Blocked arteries are responsible for strokes and heart disease.

Herbs that lower your blood cholesterol levels are actually a fairly new science. In today’s society, increased LDL cholesterol has become a major health issue. New ways to lower cholesterol naturally are researched by people of all over the world due to this. Because of the lack of side effects and contraindications, natural supplements to lower cholesterol levels are often preferred to their drug counterparts.

Other herb products that lower cholesterol include plant stanols and sterols. these are naturally occurring substances found in some plants. Stanols can also be found in dietary supplements or are added to margarine, orange juice as well as in dressings. According to research findings, plant stanols help reduce cholesterol, and being similar in structure to cholesterol, help in blocking absorption of cholesterol from the intestines.

Since ages guggul has been the companion of mankind saving him from many diseases. Botanically known as Commiphora mukul, it is a wonderful herb that is responsible for treating so many ailments that man suffers. The powerful action of guggulu helps in lowering down the levels of triglycerides and cholesterols there by managing the proper ratio of High density lipoproteins to low density lipoproteins. In a study it was proved that guggulu helps in lowering the cholesterol levels by 15 to 28 % and triglycerides level by 20 to 30 %.

Garlic. Garlic is a cholesterol lowering herb that is slowly but heavily gaining popularity. It has been shown through medical reports that it can increase the HDL cholesterol levels while lowering LDL levels. Studies have also shown that garlic can reduce both triglycerides and cholesterol by up to 15 percent. In one study, people who were given 800 milligrams (about one clove) of garlic daily experienced lower cholesterol levels as well as lower blood pressure.

Artichoke leaf is another herb that helps lower cholesterol levels. This herb works by limiting the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. Artichokes are also known to contain cynarin that supposedly increases bile production in the liver and speeds the flow of bile from the gallbladder, which together increases the excretion of cholesterol Author Resource:- Read about guggul, lower cholesterol naturally and treatment for obesity

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